Interview with Xbox Pro Circuit Qualifiers Round 1 winner ‘Deaann’

Interview with Xbox Pro Circuit Qualifiers Round 1 winner ‘Deaann’


The first round of the Xbox Pro Circuit qualifiers saw player Deaann claim a sensational victory against all-conquering Raheem to secure his place at the Main Event on August 13 in Melbourne at The Sporting Globe. 

Deaann is delighted to become the first Xbox player to reach the Main Event but insists the job is not done just yet.

He spoke to contributor Campbell Knowles about his satisfaction and the relaxed approach he’s going to take on August 13.

Campbell: Firstly, congratulations on becoming the first XBOX player to qualify for the Pro Circuit finals in Melbourne later this year. Describe how you feel knowing that you’ve secured your place in the finals?

Deaann: Satisfied, but I know that the bigger task is ahead. I’ve never been to a FIFA event before so it’s more exciting meeting all the familiar names that will be there. Offline FIFA is different as well. I feel being able to see your opponent’s indicator and knowing which defender they’re controlling is a big difference.

Campbell: People often regard you as one of Australia’s best XBOX FIFA players from your performances in the past and you showed this by winning every series (including the final) 2-0. Did this expectation of you being a great player add any pressure leading into the qualifiers and in particular the grand final?

Deaann: I don’t feel pressure externally but I do try and make sure I play to my level. I can often beat myself if I don’t feel right. The grand finals were more exciting due to the fact that Raheem and I had never played plus it was being watched by a fair few people. Pressure? No. Anticipation? Yes!

Campbell: Leading up to the final, its fairly safe to say that you breezed through each round beating quality opponents, including Luke Mitchell who represented Australia at the FIWC earlier this year. So I must ask you, is there anyone you can’t beat?!

Deaann: No, I can beat anyone in the world. That doesn’t mean I can’t lose, just that there’s definitely no insurmountable player.

Pro Circuit Promo Post (2)

Registration for qualifiers 3 and 4 will be open exclusively and only to members on June 16.

Pro Circuit general details

  • Only for registered members
  • Registration is free
  • Only 18+ are allowed to register
  • Four qualifying rounds in total
  • Premium AUSFIFA members will be granted priority access to registration for qualifiers 3 and 4 and then open to public after 48 hours
  • 64 contestants on both PS4 and Xbox platforms
  • Please only register if you are able to travel to Melbourne for the Main Event
  • Finalists who progress to Main Event will be responsible for their own travel arrangements to Melbourne
  • Eight finalists will be drawn randomly in to a quarter-finals knock-out format for the Main Event
  • Four figure cash prize for the winner of the Main Event

Campbell: In order to maintain your reputation as one of Australia’s best, how will you prepare for the finals come August?

Deaann: I’m going to go in cold. Too much preparation or ‘warming up’ wears me out. Playing fresh is better. I don’t have a PS4 to practice on either so there’s not much I can do but go there and enjoy it.

Campbell: Having beaten each of your opponents 2-0 in this first qualification tournament, are you confident that you will be able to win the final in August?

Deaann: I’m confident I could win, but that doesn’t mean I will. It’s rare to win your first real event, and supposedly no interstate player has ever won a FIFA event held in Melbourne.

Campbell: With your final having been broadcast live for players of all skills and abilities watching, do you have any advice for those that are striving to compete at the level you’re currently competing at?

Deaann: View the game as a video game, not a football game. Explore every option you have. The biggest thing is your brain. Everyone can press shoot and score, or learn to do skills. But the decisions you make set you apart. Do I pass here; do I shoot? Do I dribble. Do I rush in here; do I call the keeper out. That comes with experience. But definitely (in its current state) don’t load up FIFA and try to play it like it’s real life football. It’s not!

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